Working Through Risks
Educational podcasts on innovations in managing risks in society
Working Through Risks
Interview with Stan Galanski on the success factors of innovation in insurance
This week, I'm speaking with one of Steven' Haase's chief collaborators, Stan Golanski, who was an executive with the insurance company that created and underwrote this new technology risk, which would later become known as cyber insurance. So Stan has led numerous insurance organizations such as AIG's New Hampshire Insurance Company, XL Specialty, Intercargo Corporation, and over 18 years as CEO and President of The Navigators Group.
In my interview, Stan reveals some of the product developments and innovations he helped lead and some of the strategies for successful innovation and product development . Stan stresses the importance of understanding the customer's needs and the importance of the excess and surplus lines in helping to meet those customer needs with new innovations. Because Stan has had such a storied career with so many developments, my first question to him was to give me what he felt were some of the highlights of his career.